Whereabouts of the Shroud – other evidence
blood type
The blood on the Shroud is type AB, more common in Semites. That is also the same type on the Sudarium. [Bennett 2001, 84]
cloth weave
The Shroud’s cloth, linen, is woven in a three-to-one herringbone pattern. “The direction of the twist of the strands rules out Egypt as the country of origin and affirms Palestine. The Shroud’s length and width are in even cubits, a unit of measurement not used in medieval Europe where critics say the Shroud was faked, but was used in ancient Israel. The unusual weave reflects a wealthy owner, and Joseph of Arimathea was certainly that. (Matthew 27:57)” [Baltz 2022]
“In 2002, … textile expert Mechthilde Flury-Lemberg discovered a rare type stitch on the back side of the Shroud which was known from only one other place, the Masada Fortress in Israel, … less than a generation from Jesus’ time.” [Baltz 2022]
The Assyrian cubit of 21.4 inches was standard in the 1st century. In those units the dimensions of the Shroud are whole numbers: 8 cubits by 2 cubits. This is yet another tiny piece of corroborating evidence.
The Shroud is more consistent with Jewish burial practice than with other cultures (Egyptian, Roman, …). [Antonacci 2015, 83]
Victims of crucifixion would very rarely, if ever, be interred within a quality linen shroud. [Antonacci 2015, 82]