First Century Age for the Shroud
Non-Radiometric, Scientific Dating Methods
Guilio Fanti [2015, ch 6-7], prof. of engineering, Univ. of Padua, Italy, obtained and tested several ancient linen threads, including some from the Shroud. Blind testing was used. The methods below were calibrated with ancient samples with known historical dates.
Using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR):
Shroud age: 300 BC ± 400 years.
Raman method (laser based, chemical composition):
Shroud age: 200 BC ± 500 years.
Multi-parametric mechanical properties:
Shroud age: 400 AD ± 400 years.
Combined (95% reliable) statistical result:
Shroud age: 33 BC ± 250 years
Another Indication of a First Century Age
The image of a coin minted by Pontius Pilate in AD 27-36 is on at least one eye. There is even a misspelling visible on the coin, which is the same as on an extant coin. [Antonacci 2000, 103]
The dates derived from spectroscopy, Raman, and mechanical tests statistically produced a date of 33 BC ± 250 years with 95% reliability.
This range of dates readily includes the likely year of Jesus’ death: AD 33.
These three independent tests question the radiocarbon dating and beg for a verifiable explanation more satisfying than those listed above. See Radiation Hypothesis